Welcome to Black Family Farm
Welcome to Black Family Farm, a passion that started nearly ten years ago, back when we lived in a small suburb in Loomis, California. My husband bought me my first chicken coop along with a hobby flock, which got me hooked on the farm life ideal! My passion to raise my boys with a quieter country life, where animals surrounded them continued to fuel me. Desiring more land and a slower pace of life, we ended up moving from California to Virginia where Black Family Farm went from a dream to reality.
We pride ourselves on a healthy lifestyle. Being a certified personal trainer I know the importance of being physically fit and diet makes up 90% of the equation. I have always prioritized cooking from scratch, but being able to source most of our food from our land has been a dream come true!
At Black Family Farm every detail matters. From the food sourced to our animals, the cleanliness of their environments, and the quality of their lives are of the utmost importance to us. We may be a small operation but we stand behind every item we produce. Thank you for being apart of our journey, we appreciate your support!